A meeting of the Parish Council took place on Wednesday, 14th June 2006 at 7.30pm in Cator Hall



Mr D Walker, Mr R Neale, Mr R Howes, Mr F Cooper, Mrs M Stokes and 1 parishioner.



Mrs M Curry, Mr D Brozyna



The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday May 10th were read.  It was proposed by Mr R Neale, seconded
by Mrs M Stokes and agreed unanimously that these be signed as a true record.


Matters Arising

1.      Drains – despite assurances from NCC there have still not been cleared.  Clerk to pursue.

2.      Pavements and Road Sweeping – some roads have been swept.  Attempt made to clear pavement on Kirklington Road. 
Unsatisfactory outcome.  Clerk to follow up.

3.      Telephone Directories – Mansfield/Newark directories are available to BT customers.  New Mansfield/Newark directory due
end of July.  BT are aware there is a problem.



The following items were received and discussed at meeting.

1.      Interim Parish Council Conference – Wed June 21st. Mr R Neale & Mr F Cooper to attend.

2.      CAB request for grant – discuss September.

3.      Cator Hall Management Committee – request for regular funding.  Financial situation was outlined.  Agreed in principle to help. 
Amount to be decided later and budgeted for in next year’s precept.  It was suggested that Parish Council might cover the cost
of the insurance which would enable the income from the Number Club to fund ongoing maintenance, fire and electrical inspections etc.


The following items were received and circulated or displayed.

4.      Insurance for Parish Councils – application

5.      Planning and Property Briefing

6.      Nottinghamshire Partnership Update

7.      N&S Arts Plan 2006-2010

8.      N&S Leisure and Cultural Services Strategy 06-10

9.      N&S DC Noise Action Week Poster

10. Notts RCC Parish Plan Questionnaire – completed and returned

11. Rural Voice Spring 06

12. NRCC Notice of AGM 1st November

13. CAB request for funding

14. Newark & Sherwood Homes – choice based lettings review

15. NCC Social Services Publications Brochure

16. E.M. Regional Assembly – Review of E.M. Regional Plan

17. Environment Agency – water abstraction

18. Planning and Property Briefing

19. Police leaflets and questionnaires

20. Travel and Transport Briefing June 06



The following applications were received.

Application Number 06/00800/FUL

Birchwood, Main Street

Erection of a conservatory

Circulated and returned 12.6.06

For 7, Against Nil


Application Number 06/00813/FUL

Cratley, Back Lane

Rear extension to form utility and WC with en-suite bathroom over.

Circulated and returned 12.6.06

For 5, Against Nil, Declared Interest 2


The following application was withdrawn.


Application Number 06/00211/FULM

Residential development including the conversion of existing barns and outbuildings at Pond Farm.


The Chairman outlined the current situation with regard to the proposed windfarm development.  Due to the widespread objections the Planning Dept have suggested the developers may wish to reconsider the proposal.  A revised application is expected with the earliest date for consideration by Planning Committee being September.


Cator Hall

Nothing to report.  Mr F Cooper to spray areas not membraned.


Recreation Ground

Grass is being cut.  Still not used.  It was agreed the Parish Council need to fund the fencing repair.  Mr R Neale to deal with this.



Annual Parish Council Insurance £145.25.  It was agreed this amount should be paid when requested.  The audited figures were
agreed and the statement of assurance was approved by Council.


Parish Plan

Best Kept Village – receipt received for entrance fee.  Posters placed around the village.  Judging from 9.6 to 30.6.

Questionnaire from NRCC about effectiveness and operation of Parish Plan – completed by Mr D Walker and returned.


Any Other Business

1.      Councillors Declaration of Financial and Other Interests. Forms updated where necessary.  Clerk to report alterations.

2.      Path at side of Flash reported overgrown.  Footpath No 9 appears to go through middle of water.  Clerk to check with footpath

3.      Three large new pylons have been erected to rear of National Grid offices.  Planning Dept have stated that planning approval is
not required. Cllr Laughton to make further enquiries.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.


Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 13th September.


Signed:  D Walker  13/9/6